Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cow sorting with the helmet cam

I will be the first to admit that my video editing skills need some work! Today's sorting was at an indoor arena and I am having a heck of a time getting the lighting right. Any suggestions would be much apprciated.

Grace and I did 5 runs. I've made it a rule of thumb to not run her any more than 5 runs at a sorting. 5 actually equals 10 at this sorting because they let you work the cows twice while you are in the pen. My goal is to keep Grace calm while she is on the cows. It's a delicate balance of staying out of her way, guiding her and knowing when to quit. The last thing I want is for her to associate working cows with getting sore.

I rode her in a snaffle todaywith a loose tie down because she tends to get her head higher than I like when she gets excited about the cows, she typically does it at the gate. Grace felt GREAT today! I saw on the videos that she was a little antsy at the gate, but she stayed calm and was a joy to ride on all 5 runs.

Enjoy the ride:

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