Picture of Grace and I years ago
“I have a new schooling show plan for you” was the message
from Sarah. This could be anything from hauling to different shows than the ones
we had planned to riding another horse. The answer was revealed during my
Saturday lesson “I think you should stay and do English classes on Sunday”.
Sarah explained that it would be more show ring time, more patterns and a
chance to school two handed. She also suggested that I consider the equation
classes at AQHA shows. Other than the fact that I no longer own any English
tack or clothes, this seems like a really good idea!
When my family purchased our first horse my Dad assumed that
we would ride Western. The horse community around us was predominately English.
The kids I rode with were either in Pony Club or attended Hunter/Jumper shows.
It wasn’t long before I had ditched the Western saddle and was riding in my
first all-purpose English saddle bought from a neighbor girl that was off to
college. I went on to participate in Pony Club and Hunter/Jumper shows. I developed
some pretty bad riding habits from being over faced by large fences. I switched
back to Western when I met Grace at Penny’s barn and began a long journey of learning
how to ride all over again.
I’ve ridden Grace English a handful of times; I’ve even
jumped her as high as 3 feet. Grace is actually the nicest horse I’ve ever
ridden to a fence; the distance is there every time and she doesn’t hesitate at
the base of a jump. I on the other hand was done jumping and much prefer having
my butt firmly planted in my Western saddle. I have shown Grace Hunt Seat at
schooling shows in the past, she actually does well and seems to enjoy moving
out. I will have to see how I feel about it. Luckily I can borrow tack for the
time being and since we are starting out with schooling shows I don’t have to get
too fancy. That reminds me – I will eventually have to wear breeches again,
good thing I just started hitting the gym!
I like your trainer.